Holiday Gift Ideas With a Touch of Mexican Flair

It's that time of year again when you have to start looking for the perfect present for everyone on your "nice" list. It can be difficult finding something you know the recipient is going to love and actually get some use out of. To help you with that search for a great gift, Mexicali Blues has a few fun ideas. A Delicious Gift Basket You know how much you love the taste of our Lake of the Ozarks Mexican restaurant 's all-natural salsa full of fresh ingredients. Why not share a jar of that savory sauce with everyone else? You can buy jars of our premium salsa here at the restaurant in Osage Beach and you can also find it on the shelves at many grocery stores in Missouri. It is available as Original Salsa, Salsa Verde , and XXX Salsa (XXX-tra hot!) Pick up a bottle (or 2 or 3,) add a bag of tortilla chips, a cool salsa dish, maybe even some festive maracas, and put that all in a basket or gift bag with a bow. Now you have a beautiful... and delicious....